Case Study 4

County Mayo (Ireland)
This Case Study includes a cluster of three small Group Water Schemes located in County Mayo, supplying rural communities. The utilities are co-operative schemes which are privately managed and are represented by the National Federation of Group Water Schemes, which are located near to each other in catchments, with a high prevalence of peatland and it extract.

Key facts
There are three Group Water Schemes (GWS) included in the study:
- GWS 1 extracts its water from a 63 ha lake serving approximately 850 households.
- GWS 2 extracts its water from two interconnected lakes and serves approximately 1900 homes and commercial premises. Treatment involves screening, sand filtration in combination with UV and chlorination.
- GWS 3 abstracts water from a mountain stream which supplies approximately 630 households and uses a treatment combination of medial filtration, ozonation and chlorination.
Expected activities
- Install one UV-VIS sensor and one fluorescence sensor that will operate for few months in each catchment.
Partners involved