Project structure

Work Package 1
Coordination and project management
Objective: the aim of the Work Package 1 is to ensure an effective consortium management, encompassing all organizational and administrative tasks required for a successful project realization. The Work Package will also guarantee the general management of the work carried out in the project, supporting Work Package Leaders in coordinating their tasks, and fostering communication between the partners.
Leader: ICRA – Catalan Institute for Water Research
Work Package 2
Innovative monitoring systems
Objective: The Work Package 2 will define the monitoring strategies for the entire project, and design, construct, test the intoDBP sensor modules, preparing them for field deployment. This will be achieved by constructing a unified strategy for sampling design and instrumentation to be used in the different Case Studies.
Leader: ICRA – Catalan Institute for Water Research
Work Package 3
Advanced Monitoring and Prediction
Objective: This Work Package will provide and implement a holistic plan for the deployment of the monitoring strategies defined in the Work Package 2. A tool which simulates the formation of disinfection by-products in water distribution networks will be developed and calibrated using measurements from on-the-field sensors and laboratory measurements.
Leader: KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus
Work Package 4
Treatment technology innovation
Objective: This WP is to define novel transformative approach to upgrade water treatment trains to minimize the formation of DBPs. This goal will be pursued by adapting a novel technology to CS that will be representative of typical water treatment trains. Particular attention will be given to the DBPs that are included in
the new drinking water EU Directive (THMs, HAAs, Chlorite and Chlorate), but other relevant and toxic DBPs (e.g., HANs, HNMs, NDMA) will be considered.Leader: University of Catania
- Website:
Work Package 5
Adaptation options and source protection
Objective: The objective of this work package is to develop a tool to forecast the effects of short and long-term changes in climate on dissolved organic matter in drinking water sources, and, through risk assessment, inform decision-makers on potential solutions to protect drinking water quality.
Leader: Dublin City University
Work Package 6
Human exposure in the population
Objective: The general objective of the Work package 6 is to increase the understanding of human DBP exposure in European populations.
Leader: ISGlobal
- Website:
Work Package 7
Communication, dissemination, and business opportunities
Objective: The Work Package 7 aims to ensure an effective external communication, dissemination, and optimal knowledge exchange as well as exploitation of the generated products.
Leader: Water Europe
- Website: